Naruto 599 - Bleach 505 Reviews + Dr Who Season OP

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nekoni's avatar
(Hi, if you're visiting looking for activity- I'm not on a hiatus, I just have THE FLU. Love you for stopping by <3)

Yo! Stuff has happened, I'm excited for these stories, so- it's time for some vague reviews! (Mostly I love reading your comments about them ... 83)

So first, Naruto!

Naruto Spoilers Below-  Naruto Spoilers Below-  Naruto Spoilers Below-  Naruto Spoilers Below-  Naruto Spoilers Below-  Naruto Spoilers Below-


I'm going to be as vague as humanly possible, incase people glancing my page see one particular word - or name, which spoils this chapter for them just as much as my enthusiastic friend - ohohhohoho. But seriously- the last mysterious backstory has(is) being revealed (unless you count 'the great sage's backstory, but as that's time travelling Naruto, we're still reading it.) There was a lot of controversy online about Tobi's identity, some of which I added to... but it was always going to be this. Why else would there have been that short mini-special back when Shippudden was starting? Naruto's like a soap opera- everyone is connected, and so, why would Kishimoto sensei throw away a perfectly saleable plot point that he probably intentionally -put- there in the first place? (When you're planning out your 'secret organisation who're going to take over the world' you -start- by planning the supervillain behind it all.) Maybe it was too obvious... but most Naruto readers are not expected to have read 600 chapters over 12 years, and you're probably more Otaku than you'd like to admit. The majority of the chapter was speechless- and adorable (what a klutz! <3 ) that's going to be interesting in anime. And it's Kakashi-orientated. Given that Kakashi is the most awesome character in Naruto (followed by Minato and Jiraiya) I'm highly enjoying this. I'm not enjoying Naruto himself so much. He's got no suprises left in his bag, and we know from timetravel logic that that's probably his ultimate supersaiyan form and he's not going to settle down with a girl and he's not going to die dramatically.... but at least Kakashi's having a highly inconvinient freak-out! I'm sorry to those who feel... that this darkens you-know-who's memory. But I always saw a dark lining under that silver cloud, thanks to his 'ninja are trash' speech.

Bleach Spoilers Below-  Bleach Spoilers Below-  Bleach Spoilers Below-  Bleach Spoilers Below-  Bleach Spoilers Below-  Bleach Spoilers Below-

There's not as much to say for Bleach as there is for Naruto... and I'll admit that half the chapter I was saying 'SWOOSH! SOMETHING HAPPENED, I CAN'T TELL BUT THERE ARE LOTS OF LINES!' and alternatively counting how many sentences there were. (31, and I'm being generous- about half are meaningless filler) The captain-commander is doing stuff- the captains have a positive response to the fact their leader has joined the battlefield- But I don't really care. I mean, where is Goku? Why isn't he at Namek yet? I don't know. Not the most exciting chapters. Kenpaichi has been used as supervillain fodder, (if you need to prove someone is dangerous, make them defeat your strongest non-lead character off screen!) And I am sad, because I'd rather watch Ken fighting than giant fireball of irritation fighting. It's still pretty though, and Bleach battles don't last very long (there are just LOTS of them)

Doctor Who..? Spoilers? What, Nekoni? Doctor Who spoilers below?

I KNOW. I KNOW. But sometimes I mention random other shows that I enjoy. And one of those is Doctor Who, the new season of which just started up today and was... and was... *headtilt*

Before we start, I'd like to clarify, I loved!disliked! this episode. Like a chocolate chip cookie with questionably too much chocolate chip that has instead become a chocolate bar with bits of cookie embedded in it. I ate it and enjoyed it, and yet...

I'll get this out the way, because unlike the Naruto review I can't make it through this review without saying the word of the subject. Daleks. Ozgm there were SO MANY DALEKS. I could go on and on about the details, but that pretty much explains it all.

The story introduced (and highlighted) confusing plot holes- like  'why are they working like cybermen' 'what happened to all the other color daleks' 'when did Rory stop being a robot how did they even have a kid surely-rory's-to-blame-AH-MY-BRAIN.' but in general was full of stunning visual effects and cohesion, excitement, great writing and a sea of ghouls and monsters- some of which were shocking (the coprse humo-daleks!), others of which were daleks <3.

The writing was great, everything interlocking, everything hinted at and all things leading into big reveals- Stephen Moffat really is my favourite screen writer- and yet... 'eggssterminate' and 'Doctor- WHO?' jokes? I DID NOT EGGSPECT THIS. The best dalek jokes have been the german-speaking daleks, the one that asked 'Would You Like Some Tea?', stairs, and of course the classic hat-over-the-eye-piece-can-you-see?-no-you-can't! -nothing to do with eggs. And the Doctor's funny enough, without smacking against the fourth wall by reciting the name of the show as if it's a punchline to do so. Nope.

At the introduction of the new girl locked in the room I thought by her self-narrative style that she might be a companion for a couple episodes. Then I realised she was a dalek (or humo-dalek). I have to admit I had an advantage (or disadvantage) in that I'd once -glanced- the summary of a Doctor Who fanfic in which a female Dalek pondered the Doctor, and given as this was the home of crazy daleks- (I don't read DW fanfics, I scrolled past it on a page, and naturally, laughed.) that idea suddenly had ground, (especially now that there were humans turning into daleks, left right and center) I think the fact I'd heard of such an off-the-wall idea dampened its effect and genius substantially- still it was a nice story and superbly executed and hinted at, even if it has a few plotholes attached. (like which daleks took her from the crash and turned her only to lock her up, if they can't reach the planet? And why are they, racial purists that they are, even using such Cyberman-esque methods?)

The next episode has Egyptians and Dinosaurs. I don't even. Although it's prone to retcorn and the occasional badly tacky moment, Doctor Who is awesome and this season looks to be awesome too.
ยฉ 2012 - 2024 nekoni
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Elpisbooks's avatar
i still kinda fell that danzo could be tobi, i know he died but tobi could have faked it as he had no need for danzo anymore.. just a thought